Applications & Forms
Applications & Forms for
Summit Township, Erie County, Pennsylvania
When submitting an online application,
please allow up to 3 business days for a response.
or do not receive a response after 3 business days,
please call (814) 868-9686.
Employment Application
CLICK HERE to fill out an online application through Adobe Web Forms
Be sure to fill in all fields before submitting
Submitted Web Form will be emailed directly to Michelle Nesselhauf, HR Director.
CLICK HERE for a PDF to fill in or print
Submit the completed PDF application to:
Michelle Nesselhauf, HR Director
1230 Townhall Road West, Suite 100
Erie, PA 16509
Donated Use of Township Facilities Application
Printed applications can be submitted by mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
Use the Online Applications Portal to fill out the following applications:
Burn Permit Application
No Fee
If you already have a burn permit and just need to renew, please email and include your name and address. A renewal will be emailed to you.
Your application will be submitted to the Summit Township Zoning Office. A burn permit will be emailed to you within 3 business days. If no one contacts you, please call (814) 868-9686 or email
Print a PDF
Printed applications can be submitted by mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
Portable Sign Permit Application
No Fee
- Shall not be illuminated in any manner which causes undue distraction, confusion or hazard to vehicular traffic.
- No 360-degree flashing lights or strobe lights allowed.
- Shall not be erected or maintained on any lot which will in any way obstruct the view of any street, intersection, driveway, ingress, egress, or otherwise create a traffic hazard.
- Sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area.
- Sign shall only be permitted on any property to which the information or advertising on the temporary sign applies.
- Sign must comply with Article 8 of Summit Township Zoning Ordinance supplemental section 810.
- Registration is valid for a period not to exceed forty-five (45) days from the date of installation. At the expiration of 45 days, portable signs must be removed from the property until the expiration of a six (6) month period. The portable sign may then be re-registered and used again for a period of 45 days during the next 6-month period. No portable sign shall remain on any property for more than 90 days during a full year.
Submit an Online Application
Your application will be submitted to the Summit Township Zoning Office. Someone will contact you within 3 business days. If no one contacts you, please call (814) 868-9686 or email
Print a PDF
Printed applications can be submitted by mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
Demolition Permit Application
Residential: $50.00
Non-Residential/Industrial: $100.00
Required for and prior to the demolition of any structure larger in area than 100 square feet in order to ensure that the structure is properly removed from the Erie County Tax Roles.
Submit an Online Application
Your application will be submitted to the Summit Township Zoning Office. Someone will contact you within 3 business days. If no one contacts you, please call (814) 868-9686 or email
Print a PDF
Printed applications can be submitted by mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
Rezoning Petition
Fee: $800
Required for the purpose of being considered by the Summit Township Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors to change the zoning district of a parcel
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Printed applications can be submitted by mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
Road Occupancy Permit Application
$50.00 Fee
Required for and prior to any work which is proposed to be performed within the right-of-way of any Summit Township road
Online Application
Your application will be submitted to the Summit Township Zoning Office. Someone will contact you within 3 business days. If no one contacts you, please call (814) 868-9686 or email
Print a PDF
Printed applications can be submitted by mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
Driveway/Road Access Permit Application
Required for and prior to the construction of any new driveway not previously approved by a Land Development Plan that will be accessing a Summit Township roadway.
Print an Application
Printed applications can be submitted by mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
Short Term Rental Application
$100.00 Application Fee OR $100.00 Renewal Fee OR $200.00 Late Renewal Fee
$25.00 Inspection Fee
First Time Applicants:
- Photograph of the short-term rental taken from the access road side
- Floor plan of the short-term rental drawn to scale
- Diagram or photograph of the premises showing and indicating the number and location of designated on-site parking spaces and the maximum number of vehicles allowed for overnight occupants
Your application will be submitted to the Summit Township Zoning Office. Someone will contact you within 3 business days. If no one contacts you, please call (814) 868-9686 or email
First Time Applicants: Print a PDF
Printed applications can be submitted by mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
You should have received a renewal sheet with your initial license.
If you need a duplicate, please call (814) 868-9686 x241 or email
Floodplain Development Permit Application
Required for and prior to any type of development located within any portion of a Floodplain Area.
Please contact the Floodplain Administrator or see the Floodplain Management Ordinance to determine what may be required for the scale of your specific proposed development within the Floodplain Management Area.
Print a PDF
Printed applications can be submitted by mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
Sign Permit Application
Sign Permit/Sign Alteration Fee: $50.00 per sign
Apply Online
Your application will be submitted to the Summit Township Zoning Office. Someone will contact you within 3 business days. If no one contacts you, please call (814) 868-9686 or email
Special Event Permit Application
$75.00 Fee
parking spaces at the event location
- No portion of the event may occur in drive lanes or area that may result in a safety hazard, or interrupt traffic flow.
- Retailer assumes all liability for the safety of plaza patrons.
- Handicapped parking spaces may NOT be utilized.
- Each business is limited to 2 special events per year
Submit an Online Application
Your application will be submitted to the Summit Township Zoning Office. Someone will contact you within 3 business days. If no one contacts you, please call (814) 868-9686 or email
Print a PDF
Printed applications can be submitted by mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
Operation Permit Application
$1,000 Financial Security per Disturbed Acre
Required for and prior to any earth moving/disturbing activity, that is intended to be performed prior to or without receiving land development approval, which will be larger in area than one acre in order to ensure that all erosion, sedimentation and stormwater measures will be instituted properly.
Print or Fill In a PDF
Printed applications can be submitted by email (, mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
Transient Mercantile License Application
$25 Fee per Month
$5,000 Corporate Surety
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Printed applications can be submitted by mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
Overweight Vehicle Permit Application
$1,500 Financial Security (if required)
Required for and prior to the use of Summit Township roads by overweight vehicles or over-width loads
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Printed applications can be submitted by mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
Zoning Hearing Board Application
$500.00 Residential Fee
$850.00 Commercial Fee
$1,000.00 Appeal Fee
Required to petition the board for a Variance or Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance
or to appeal a zoning officer’s decision
Your application will be submitted to the Summit Township Zoning Office. Someone will contact you within 3 business days. If no one contacts you, please call (814) 868-9686 or email
Print a PDF
Printed applications can be submitted by mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
Zoning Permit Application
Online Application
Your application will be submitted to the Summit Township Zoning Office. Someone will contact you within 3 business days. If no one contacts you, please call (814) 868-9686 or email
Print a PDF
Printed applications can be submitted by mail or drop off at the Municipal Building